Sunday, April 21, 2013

This week.

This week has been a productive one I think...I have:
  • Gotten info about a home loan: scary...but marvelously exciting. Even visited several of which we may be making an offer on...even scarier!
  • Barely worked on any crafts at all! I feel as though they probably miss me. I have been doing a little more designed on my embroidery patterns. I have one that is drawn out and I think I've picked out colors. I can't wait to do a test run with it and make a few adjustments I'm sure. I'm in love with it. The quote and font design is from here. You must check her blog out. I was highly impressed.
  • I took a small leap into getting a little more organized. Been doing a little mind mapping...more on that one soon I think.
  • Continued to be overly obsessed with Pinterest. I just love looking at the pictures and learning new things...and obviously procrastinating about things that need doing!
Hope all of you are doing well. Be sure and check out my instagram where I am at least trying to keep up with FMSphotoaday. I tend to forget until lighting is just horrible...but I am trying. Also, I am always active on Pinterest. Come obsess with me.


Friday, April 12, 2013


So to keep up with my goal of weekly posts, I thought I would write a little note. This comes to you from my handy little cell phone so it may look a little different than normal.
I've been sketching a little bit lately. Trying to get a few embroidery patterns out of my head and onto paper. So far, it hasn't been going too well. I'm far too perfectionistic and I can't seem to get things the way I want them. But I'm trudging on and making a go of it. Hopefully things can improve a little soon. I'm going to read for a little while and relax tonight to get ready to go talk to loan officers tomorrow about buying a house! Nervous!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Current Projects

Like most completely insane people that I know, I have WAY too many projects currently on the needles...and I want to add more (read: going even more insane). I just love working on things and I had a small stint there where I went through a finishing crap phase and I just went to town with it. I was casting off like crazy and I loved every minute of it. But then...I got the itch. The itch for more and for new. It were a bad itch I tell you.

I plan to post some pics of these as I am working on them and trying to finish them up. Check back here and on instagram (alliegirl4224) for progress. Without further ado, I am currently alternating between working on...

1. The Reversely Cabled Scarf from Econesting. I absolutely adore it honestly. The pattern is simple, but interesting and the yarn is lusciously soft. I'm using a Bernat Baby yarn and while I know that it's mostly just acrylic, it's still very soft. It's a mix of soft grey and white. I already want to make another one in a very bright, solid color for next year.

2. Jaywalker Socks by Grumperina. I found the pattern for free on Ravelry one day and I really liked it. I didn't have a pair of socks on the needles anymore so I dashed through the stash and found some yarn that I hope will work with this pattern. I'm only about an inch into the ribbed border so far, but I am looking forward to getting to the pattern.

3. Ribbed Hand Warmers from the Purl Bee. A coworker and I started talking about hand warmers not so long ago and I gave these a try with some yarn I had in the stash. I don't think I'm crazy about the color and I think I prefer my hand warmers to have just a little bit of thumb. I finished one hand warmer and carried it around in the bottom of my knitting bag forever before deciding to just go ahead and make a second one. They are very quick and very easy. I think I want to make them in something close to the purple seen on Purl Bee, but next time add a little thumb to it.

4. The "Be Joyful" embroidery pattern from NanaCompany. Another pattern I fell in love with from her post pics. The embroidery looks so detailed and perfect. Mine is most certainly not as perfect as I find hers to be, but I'm practicing on getting better and not being perfect. I'll be sure and do a full post on this one when I am finished because I've been taking pics as I go along. So far, I've only completed the words and a couple of the flowers, but her instructions are fabulous and the pattern was so easy to transfer (Thank you Frixion pens!!)

These are the main four projects that have been taking up my time...not to mention dishes, laundry and general house work that is supposed to be getting done. Apparently, you can't eat a scarf for supper.


Monday, April 1, 2013

April Goals...

1. At least once a week, post a dang blog post...good goal.
2. Finish a project. Large or this point any accomplishment will be huge.
3. Apply for a home loan. Scary as hell.
4. Participate in #fmsphotoaday on Instagram. Tried so many times and failed horribly. Watch it happen.
5. Participate in She Reads Truth bible study on YouVersion. Please join us! Find out how at SheReadsTruth.

I think I'll stop at five goals. It seems like a good number and just looking at what's on that list makes me wonder if I will even come close to making it happen. I'm in the process of learning a big lesson though:

Sometimes, it's only the effort that really and truly counts. Sometimes, I am going to mess up and fail. And sometimes, that's going to be okay. Just got to let it be.
